Tuesday, February 11, 2020

48. 10th February 2020

This evening, Judy and I enjoyed joined a small group of Livery Company Masters and Consorts for a fascinating tour of Apothecaries Hall conducted by the Clerk.

We learned of the rivalries between the Grocers and the Apothecaries which led eventually to the split between the two groups in 1617, and why the Apothecaries are a Society rather than a Company . We learned also of Gideon de Laune, who was largely responsible for the obtaining by the Apothecaries of their separate Charter in 1617 from James I , and whose De Laune pills were still sold to the public until about 1920! When De Laune died, his estate was estimated to be worth about £90,000 – so the pills were clearly a best seller!

As we visited The Great Hall, The Court Room, and the Cellars we were privileged to enjoy a most interesting  and lively commentary on the history of the Apothecaries and their activities today.

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